I'm taking part in a challenge over at Divine Digital created and hosted by Cyndi of Wetfish Designs. It's something new, and you wouldn't think it would be so challenging, but it is a challenge picking just one element to place on a page when so many elements are offered lol! The kit being used for this challenge is "Ellie and Lucy" designed by Wetfish Designs. Here's an excerpt from Cyndi's Blog:
"I'm really excited to be hosting a monthly, ongoing challenge for Divine Digital called "Blog Me." Here is the skinny on this fun challenge--we're making interactive quickpages together and using our blogs to show the quickpages being made from start to finish! Kind of like a circle journal, but this is a "circle quickpage." How fun is that?
Well we have ten scrappers, including me, and I start the ball rolling by posting Phase 1 of the first quickpage we are making with my kit "Ellie and Lucy." This is a kit I designed for Kirsty Wiseman's daughter, Ellie, and her pet turtle, Lucy. You can read about Ellie here: http://www.kirstywiseman.com/ellie.html
50% of all the proceeds from this kit will be donated to Ellie's trust fund to help Ellie with her battles in the world of medicine. Ellie actually picked the colors, pink for her and green for her turtle, Lucy. I hope you like it and purchase it since it is for such a good cause. This kit is packed with great stuff. There are 23 papers, each unique and rich in texture and color. Then there are 32 elements, also unique and colorful. And at the heart of it all is Ellie a little girl fighting hard to be a normal teenage girl in Manchester, England and her little turtle, Lucy. You can purchase the full kit, "Ellie and Lucy," here:
http://divinedigital.com/boutique/product.php?productid=4566&cat=0&page=2 ".
Doesn't that sound great? If you want to take part in this challenge, go to http://www.divinedigital.com/
and go to the forum to check out the "Blog Me" challenge hosted by Cyndi of Wetfish Designs, and sign up.
Here's the page after I added my part:
How cool is this kit? So bright and festive! Please go and check it out at Divine Digital, and check out the challenge. The more, the merrier!
Check out Cyndi's blog as well: http://www.wetfishscraps.blogspot.com/
Cyndi offers the occasional freebie (more often than occasional), and this month Cyndi is a part of the Divine Digital Download A Day collaboration kit. Each day that Cyndi's part of the DAD is offered, she offers a freebie as well on her blog. It's well worth your time to check out Cyndi's blog.
And don't forget to check out digiMom Designs Blog: http://digimomdesigns.com/category/freebies/ for more freebies! Don't forget, I'm a member of digiMom's Creative Team now, and digiMom's products are super! They can also be found at Divine Digital, as well as Stone Accents Studio.
While at SAS, don't forget to sign up for the newsletter, which offers numerous freebies to its members as well. And take a look at digiMom's challenge here: http://www.stoneaccentsstudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2358 . This challenge is the "GALLERY SPOTLIGHT CHALLENGE". digiMom spotlights someone's gallery at SAS (it could be yours!), and you choose one layout from this gallery as your inspiration to scrap your layout! How simple is that? And then, after posting your layout to the Gallery Spotlight Challenge, and your link to the Gallery Spotlight Challenge forum, digiMom sends you a link to her POSTING BONUS! Really, it's that easy and fun!
Try some of the challenges at SAS, and you'll find that quite a few of the posting bonuses coordinate together to make up a MEGAKIT of bonuses! How cool is that?!!
Thanks for coming here, and have a great weekend! Don't forget to check back for freebies!